Friday, December 31, 2010

Thanks For A Great 2010...

This year brought Center Circle some serious growth and accomplishments. We can not do the things we do without your support so we wanted to send a huge thanks out and wish you all a very Happy New Year tonight!

2010 for Center Circle:

Legendinhos 2010 grew from 72-81 teams and we went from 3-6 "Legendinhos" teams
5v5 Summer League grew from 30-38 teams
Copa Memphis brought Brazilian professional club Botafogo FR to our first annual international tournament and 40 teams with 4 colleges
Winter Futsal grew from 22-33 teams and is going great at our new facility

Thanks again and lets make 2011 even better!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Why I Teach Brazilian Soccer

I read a great stat earlier today on twitter and I wanted to give a huge shout out to Ted Westervelt and for tweeting this:

2010 saw Brazil sell 1440 players on the international market, while MLS was rumoured to sell 2.

This is why brazilian motor-coordination and technique is a must for the American soccer player from the time they first put boots on. Coaches, stop focusing on winning and focus on development through technique and coordination. Step your game up so we start producing players the best teams in the world want. No one cares how many club soccer games you win. Players, College and MLS is not what you should be aiming for if you are serious about soccer as well. Put in work on your own, find coaches and clubs that will develop you to get you in the "shop window", and watch professional soccer on tv to learn (Im still dumfounded over the lack of this)!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Complex's 25 Most Badass Soccer Goals of 2010

It's that list time of the year and the good people over at Complex decided to put together a nice little list with videos of their choices click here to see them.